Source code for simnets.unsupervised.kmeans

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.factorization import KMeans

[docs]def kmeans_unsupervised_init(sim_op, templates_var, weights_var): """Initialize a similarity layer using k-means unsupervised learning Initializes the templates using k-means. The function returns two ops. The first is used to initialize the learning and the second should be run iteratively with all the data. Parameters ---------- sim_op : tf.Operation | tf.Tensor the similarity operation (or the tensor which is the output of the similarity) templates_var : tf.Variable the templates variable for this similarity layer weights_var : tf.Variable the weights variable for this similarity layer Returns ------- A tuple (init_op, update_op) where init_op must be executed by a session before using the update op and the update_op is the operation that performs the learning. """ if isinstance(sim_op, tf.Tensor): sim_op = sim_op.op if not sim_op.type == 'Similarity': raise ValueError('kmeans_unsupervised_init needs a similarity op, got %s instead' % sim_op.type) assert(isinstance(sim_op, tf.Operation)) name = + '_kmeans_init' with tf.name_scope(name): input_tensor = sim_op.inputs[0] templates_tensor = sim_op.inputs[1] weights_tensor = sim_op.inputs[2] ninstances = templates_tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0] strides = sim_op.get_attr('strides') blocks = sim_op.get_attr('blocks') strides = [1, strides[0], strides[1], 1] blocks = [1, blocks[0], blocks[1], 1] patches = tf.extract_image_patches(tf.transpose(input_tensor, (0, 2, 3, 1)), strides=strides, blocks=blocks, rates=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') _, _, _, ppatch = patches.get_shape().as_list() patches = tf.reshape(patches, [-1, ppatch]) kmeans = KMeans(patches, ninstances, use_mini_batch=True, initial_clusters='kmeans_plus_plus') _, _, _, _, init_op, training_op = kmeans.training_graph() clusters_var = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if == name + '/' + 'clusters:0'][0] clusters = clusters_var.op.outputs[0] channels, block_rows, block_cols = templates_tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1:] reshaped_clusters = tf.reshape(clusters, (ninstances, block_rows, block_cols, channels)) transposed_clusters = tf.transpose(reshaped_clusters, [0, 3, 1, 2]) with tf.control_dependencies([training_op]): assign1 = tf.assign(templates_var, transposed_clusters) assign2 = tf.assign(weights_var, tf.ones_like(transposed_clusters)) return init_op,, assign2, name='kmeans_init_assign')